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quickquadsvideopokerfree| Net profit of Huali Group in 2023 decreased by 0.86% year-on-year

quickquadsvideopokerfree| Net profit of Huali Group in 2023 decreased by 0.86% year-on-year

Huali Group discloses annual report. The company achieved operating income of 20,113,741,026 in 2023quickquadsvideopokerfree$09quickquadsvideopokerfreeThe net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 3,200,210,711.17 yuan, down 0.86% year-on-year; basic earnings per share was 2.74 yuan/share. The profit distribution plan of the Company in 2023 is as follows: based on 1,167,000,000 shares, a cash dividend of 12 yuan (tax included) will be distributed to all shareholders for every 10 shares.

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