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steelheadsalmon|谷歌要求法院驳回 Epic“开放 Play 商店”要求,称该举措使公司“几乎无法”参与竞争

News from IT House on May 5SteelheadsalmonGoogle filed a document with federal court in San Francisco strongly opposing a series of reforms to the Play store filed by Epic after winning an antitrust lawsuit, asking the court to reject Epic's request, Reuters reported on Friday local time.

The Google filing said Epic's proposal "will make it almost impossible for Google to compete". "Epic's requirements will damage the privacy, security and overall experience of consumers, developers and device manufacturers," Wilson White, Google's head of government affairs and public policy, said in a statement.

Google said the Play Store settlement with states and consumers made it "unnecessary" for Epic to apply for an injunction and that the remedies in the settlement had "completely resolved" the anti-competitive conduct allegations raised by Epic in the trial.

Previously on IT House:

steelheadsalmon|谷歌要求法院驳回 Epic“开放 Play 商店”要求,称该举措使公司“几乎无法”参与竞争

Last December, Epic won a historic victory in an antitrust lawsuit against Google. A jury led by Donato unanimously ruled that Google had a monopoly in the Play Store app store and the Play Billing market, an intra-app payment service, and abused that position to the detriment of Epic Games.

During the same period, Google agreed to pay $700 million to settle state lawsuits, except for itsSteelheadsalmonIn addition to his reforms, Google will also allow more alternative billing options for in-app purchases.

In April, Epic urged a federal judge in California to force Google to open its Play Store app store, introducing more competition. Epic's proposals at the time also included allowing distribution of rival third-party app stores within six years and limiting Google's ability to reach a "ban on preloading competitor app stores" agreement with device makers.

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