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hearthstonecrypto| Jiaozuo Wanfang: The company's main products are electrolytic aluminum liquid, aluminum ingots and aluminum alloy products. Fluctuations in aluminum prices will have an impact on the company's operating results

hearthstonecrypto| Jiaozuo Wanfang: The company's main products are electrolytic aluminum liquid, aluminum ingots and aluminum alloy products. Fluctuations in aluminum prices will have an impact on the company's operating results

Some investors asked questions on the investor interactive platform: Now aluminumhearthstonecryptoDoes the price help us maintain profitshearthstonecrypto

Jiaozuo Wanfang (000612hearthstonecrypto.SZ) stated on the investor interactive platform on April 23 that the company's main products are electrolytic aluminum liquid, aluminum ingots and aluminum alloy products, and fluctuations in aluminum prices will have an impact on the company's operating results.

(Article source: Daily Economic News)

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