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skinnytigerfattydragon| Sihong International landed on Nasdaq and opened up more than 7%

April 23 (Tuesday)skinnytigerfattydragon, Sihong International (NCIskinnytigerfattydragon.US) landed on Nasdaq and opened up more than 7% at 4skinnytigerfattydragon$.35, with an IPO price of $4. Sihong International is a one-stop clothing solution service provider. The company can provide customers with services including market trend analysis, product design and development, raw material procurement, production and quality control, and logistics management.skinnytigerfattydragonA full range of services in the clothing supply chain. The company serves customers located in Europe and North America. Sihong International mainly has two major businesses, namely the sales of its own label clothing products and the retail of its own brand clothing products.

skinnytigerfattydragon| Sihong International landed on Nasdaq and opened up more than 7%

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