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7cardpoker| U.S. crude oil inventories increase: Falling exports and declining refinery utilization led to a rise in inventories last week

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[U.S. crude oil inventories surge7cardpoker, declining exports and reduced refinery utilization as incentives] Data released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) on Wednesday showed that7cardpokerU.S. crude oil inventories climbed significantly last week, due to the combined effect of a decrease in crude oil exports and a reduction in refinery production efficiency. Industry analysts analyzed that the decline in crude oil exports may be related to weak demand in the global market, while the decrease in refinery equipment utilization may be affected by various factors, including refinery maintenance and fluctuations in crude oil prices. Market analysts pointed out that this data may have a short-term impact on crude oil prices, and investors need to pay close attention to subsequent market reactions. At the same time, it should also be noted that in the long run, crude oil prices are affected by many factors, including global economic conditions, geopolitical risks, etc., and investment risks need to be carefully assessed.

7cardpoker| U.S. crude oil inventories increase: Falling exports and declining refinery utilization led to a rise in inventories last week

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