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sttippoker| Base Championship Group's intraday changes were approaching noon, and fell sharply by 6.06% to HK$0.124

On April 30, 2024, near 11:34 at noon, Base Championship Group (08460Sttippoker.HK) the stock changed, and the share price fell sharply by 6.06%. As of press time, the stock was at HK $0.124 per share, with a turnover of 30, 000 shares, a turnover rate of 0.03% and an amplitude of 3.05%.

On the capital side, the stock inflow of HK $0, outflow of HK $3800.

LatelySttippokerThe stock achieved operating income of HK $97.15 million, net profit of-HK $19.773 million, earnings per share of HK $0.17 and gross profit of HK $13.319 million, with a price-earnings ratio of-0.72 times.

In terms of agency rating, there is currently no agency to make "buy, hold, sell" recommendations on the stock.

sttippoker| Base Championship Group's intraday changes were approaching noon, and fell sharply by 6.06% to HK<p>.124

In the building construction industry, where the shares of the Base Championship Group are located, the overall decline was 0.08%. Among its related stocks, Masters Construction, Shouyi Holdings and Ruian Jianye rose significantly, while the related stocks with larger amplitudes were Kuangyi International, Yimei International Holdings and Longsheng Group Holdings, with amplitudes of 12.66%, 9.76% and 8.79%, respectively.

About the Base Championship Group: the Group is (I) a Hong Kong foundation contractor with the ability to carry out foundation work, including excavation and lateral supporting works, sheet piles, pipe piles, pre-drilled H-piles, mini-piles and bored piles; (ii) site formation and other geotechnical subcontractors such as slope works and other minor geotechnical works (such as shotcreting) And (iii) an alcoholic beverage trader in China.

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