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pokersimulator| Lexus Software (688588.SH): Three shareholders plan to reduce their shares by no more than 3.5% in total

Glonghui April 30 丨 Lexus Software (688588pokersimulator.SH) AnnouncementpokersimulatorDue to its own capital needs, Huada Qifu, the company's shareholder, plans to reduce its shares of the company by a total of no more than 5.5 million shares through block transactions during the reduction period disclosed in this reduction plan, and the proportion of shares reduced in the company's total share capital shall not exceed 1.3750%.

Due to its own capital needs, the company's shareholder Daying Zhihui plans to reduce its shares of the company by a total of no more than 3 million shares through block transactions during the reduction period disclosed in this reduction plan, and the proportion of the reduced shares in the company's total share capital shall not exceed 0.7500%.

Due to its own capital needs, the company's shareholder Huafu Zhihui plans to reduce its shares of the company by a total of no more than 5.5 million shares through block transactions during the reduction period disclosed in this reduction plan. The proportion of the reduced shares in the company's total share capital shall not exceed 1.3750%.

pokersimulator| Lexus Software (688588.SH): Three shareholders plan to reduce their shares by no more than 3.5% in total

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