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鸿蒙智行4月全系交付新车29632辆。其中,问界M9交付新车13391辆,累计大定超7万辆,智界S7交付新车4546辆。问界新M7上市至4月30日累计交付133808 辆。除此之外,鸿蒙智行享界S9也在北京车展期间首发亮相。




理想汽车4月交付25787辆同比增长 0.4%,今年累计交付量达106187辆,表现相对低迷。


fabspinscasino| Completely explode! This track has risen sharply across the board, and the wind outlet is approaching?







汽车行业的“以旧换新”等政策此前已经落地。4月26日,商务部、财政部等7部门联合印发的《汽车以旧换新补贴实施细则》(以下简称“细则”)对外发布。细则规定自印发之日至2024年12月31日期间,报废国三及以下排放标准燃油乘用车或2018年4月30日前注册登记的新能源乘用车,并购买符合节能要求乘用车新车的个人消费者,可享受一次性定额补贴,补贴金额为 7000元或 1 万元,具体视新购入的乘用车类型而定。

Taking into account the natural replacement every year, it is expected that this trade-in policy will still promote some owners of old models to actively replace new cars, assuming that the increment ratio of replacement is calculated according to different increments (5% ~ 15%). It is estimated that the increment of passenger car sales driven by the trade-in policy will account for 3.1% of passenger car sales in 2023. With the formal introduction of the subsidy rules, it is expected that the car purchase demand for holding money for purchase due to the wait-and-see policy will be gradually released, the follow-up passenger car market demand is expected to gradually pick up, and the middle and low-end passenger car demand is expected to take the lead in recovery. " Oriental Securities (600958) said in a research report released a few days ago.

According to Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Federation of passengers, the number of domestic passenger cars will be about 260 million by 2023, with 15.83 million vehicles with emission standards of three or less in China, accounting for 6.0 per cent of the total. According to the China Automobile Association, sales of new energy vehicles totaled about 1.82 million from 2015 to April 30, 2018. As a result, the total number of vehicles eligible for trade-in is about 17.65 million.

Driving a new energy car causes cancer by radiation? The provincial CDC strongly refutes the rumor!

With the increasing market penetration of new energy vehicles, the discussion about new energy vehicles is also increasing. Interestingly, recently, there has been an increase in the number of statements such as "driving a new energy car causes radiation cancer" on the Internet.

The Jiangsu Center for Disease Control and Prevention recently wrote on its official account that there is no scientific basis for this claim. New energy vehicles do have radiation, but the amount of radiation is within a safe range.

The state has strict limits on electromagnetic radiation, and any vehicle should carry out a "EMC test" before listing, that is, a comprehensive evaluation of the interference and anti-interference ability of electronic products in the electromagnetic field. At present, the limit of the national standard magnetic field radiation safety standard is 100 μ T, and the electric field radiation safety standard is 5000V/m, while the magnetic field radiation of the front row of the new energy vehicle is generally 0.8-1.0 μ T, and the rear row is 0.3-0.5 μ T, and the electric field radiation of each part of the vehicle is less than 5V/m. The formal test in line with the national standard can fully ensure that the electromagnetic radiation level of the electronic products on board is within the national standard.

Driving new energy vehicles does not increase the risk of cancer, according to the Jiangsu Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The intensity of electromagnetic radiation released by electric vehicles is within the safe range and does not pose a major threat to the health of drivers. With regard to the problem of radiation, we should supervise and manage it in a scientific manner so as to protect the safety and health of the public.

Proofread: Zhao Yan?

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