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pokerofflinepc| Johnson & Johnson rises more than 3% to pay $6.5 billion to settle talc carcinogenic lawsuit

Gelonghui May 1| Johnson & Johnson (JNJpokerofflinepc.US) rose more than 3% to 148pokerofflinepc.96 dollars. In the news, Johnson & Johnson announced that its subsidiary LLT Management LLC proposedpokerofflinepca reorganization plan to comprehensively and ultimately resolve current and future challenges to the company and its operations in the United StatespokerofflinepcFor all claims related to ovarian cancer in the talcum powder lawsuit filed by its affiliates, the plan promises the company to pay claimants a present value of approximately $6.475 billion in damages over 25 years.

pokerofflinepc| Johnson & Johnson rises more than 3% to pay .5 billion to settle talc carcinogenic lawsuit

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